About Althea Grace

I am a writer, performer, teacher, healer, shaman, communicator, minister, tarot and oracle card reader. I love music, movies, nature, travel, my friends and family. I love life, to laugh, kindness, realness. I write about my personal values and spiritual journey here. I am also co-author of an award-winning collection of short prose pieces called Tight Spaces, with Kesho Scott, Cherry Muhanji, and Egyirba High, published originally in 1987 by Spinsters/Aunt Lute Press, then again in 1999 by the University of Iowa Press. In addition to writings here and elsewhere, I am at work on a collection of short stories.


Photo by Gül Işık:
“Might we begin then to transform our passing illuminations into abiding light?”
― Huston Smith

The root of the problem stems from a system which encourages hostile division between people based on their differences. Whether it is race, gender identity, religion, caste, nationality, ethnicity, ability, age, class, or even political affiliation those forces that have prodded and pecked at and encouraged separation (via those aforementioned vehicles), have done so to keep stirring the pot…of antipathy, of confusion, of isolation. After all when you ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,’ the one pulling the strings, you stay ignorant to the origins of the division and separation.

I’ve come to see this as a struggle for pieces of a pie, convinced that securing our slice is essential for our success. That pie is the gifts, benefits, beauties, aspects, attention and rewards from the very system from which the division springs. And the pieces in the pie are finite. We clamber for that necessary slice that will affirm our worth, our success, our power, even our victim hood. After all, if you can’t be acknowledged for your worth, then be recognized as #1 (victim) for how that self-same system does what it was always designed to do. (See paragraph #1, again). But no one much questions the ways in which the pie, itself, is bad for us. Not good for our health. Perhaps, rotten, even.

So we quibble.

“For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change. And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the master’s house as their only source of support.”
― Audre Lorde, The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House

We are continually distracted from acknowledging our common bonds and encouraged to squeeze ourselves into an eye-dentity perspective. And while it is good to affirm the uniqueness, the beauty, the talents, the creativity of those distinctions, our contemporary culture has got has us pigeonholing ourselves into special places which tell us that pieces and sections of us trump the totality of our whole selves. It’s not that one should deny or overlook special and unique aspects, but rather integrate their importance into our whole identity.

I recently got into a discussion about this with a friend. He was defending the need to call out the system, historical foundations as reasons, and that it is necessary to take action to address issues. No disagreement there. But I explained that we must as well transcend the system that has done these things to black people. The more we engage the system (as if there are no other possibilities), the more we “fight back against”, the more we lend power and strength to self-same system because the system itself is not built on integrity, truth, or valor. And human weaknesses of the ill-kind have been taken for strength, power, and victory.

If, as a black woman, I am focused on the so-called racial aspect of myself (because race is a social construct, after all), I spend my energy fighting a system which I could believe is denying my blackness, or limiting me, or even abusing me. In the process, all the other aspects of myself which make me uniquely me, are not as important, or cannot truly be appreciated in a holistic way but only according to their parts. Race becomes the overall most distinguishing characteristic of myself. Self-autonomy or dependence, personal success or failure, become decided not by my own power which comes from my connection with my divine design, but rather at the whims of some so-called outside authorities which hold power over me. If it is my religion, or my education, (or lack of), or gender, then again, that focus says I focus all my steam trying to obtain some rights or advantages that have been stolen from me.

The pie metaphor asks what’s the use in all this? Has anyone considered cake, perhaps? Or gluten-free cookies?

“Stop giving other people the power to control your happiness, your mind, and your life. If you don’t take control of yourself and your own life, someone else is bound to try.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

And this is where we are.

If I look to the prevailing system to affirm me, to empower me, I am misguided. Everything that takes place in this so-called reality in which we live is a construct designed to teach us about our own authentic power. The power to be had in being victorious according to social standards is not that power. It means putting our money where our mouths are in living what we say we believe without regard to prevailing systems. It is not waiting for permission from somewhere that we will never get it (but that’s another story for another time). It’s defining our own reality and creating our own new world.

“Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can.”
― Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

How that’s done and why it’s necessary is for another moment. But if you give your understanding to a spiritual orientation, you will see there is no other way but that by which to transform and become ‘successful.’ At this time, on the planet, we are commissioned with the task of no longer leaning into definitions of who we are. We are to understand that there are forces which act to support such emphases. The cosmic energies of change flooding us now, suggest this is an opportune moment to decide to do differently, see bigger what is possible, and to initiate true action in that direction.

As we embrace our spiritual orientation and recognize our authentic power, we begin to see the possibility of a new world—a world where love, compassion, and justice prevail. This world is not a Utopian fantasy but a tangible reality that we can create through our collective efforts.

The journey is not without its challenges. It requires us to confront our fears, to heal our wounds, and to let go of the identities and beliefs that no longer serve us in elevating ways. But the rewards are immeasurable. We find freedom, joy, and a deep sense of fulfillment in knowing that we are living in harmony with our true selves and contributing to the well-being of all.

The invitation to transcend limited identities and embrace our authentic power is open to everyone. It is a call to awaken to our true potential and to recognize the beauty and power that lie within. By doing so, we not only transform our own lives but also contribute to the healing and upliftment of the world. Let us embark on this journey with open hearts and minds, ready to discover the boundless possibilities that await.

© 2024. Egyirba M. High. [Althea Grace]. All Rights Reserved.
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We Know Who The Liars Are

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

1 Corinthians 13:12 King James Version (KJV)

I remember Al Franken’s book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. The title caught my attention mostly because I was coming to understand that the system we live in is built on lies and untruths. What I knew of Franken’s humor and wit, along with his connection to the Saturday Night Live show, (then a smart, funny show), cemented the idea for me that there were ‘bad’ people who were corrupt, greedy, and big fat liars.

I did not know, then, that it had little to do with political orientation. Or, anything of this world (so-to-speak).

At that time, I had not clearly framed the idea that things are not what they seemed. I was aligned with the POV of left politics. I had not understood the illusion that each side was merely a presentation given to reflect the idea of choice in a system where there really was none. Humans were expected to pick a side, one that seemed to align with whatever they had been conditioned to believe through lifelong indoctrination, passed down generation to generation. And then, that belief was to be hammered into us as one worth fighting for against the one that held an oppositional view. Well. What wasn’t easy to understand or see that who was in the corner wasn’t championing either side. No time for petty human politics or issues, unless they could be used to manipulate and control an agenda that did not befit human beings. And on, and on, and on.

Fast forward and voila! And here we are at the precipice of a new day. We have begun to awaken and wipe the sleep of generations from our eyes.

Those awakening now realize the farce of playing the game of binary oppositions in politics, in religions, in so-called race issues, with national, geographical, and cultural distinctions, with the haves and have-nots, and now, in gender ideology. There are just so many growing ways we could be sliced and diced in order to further separate ourselves from each other, and from our true identity, one that is in harmony with Prime Creator (or, known by many other names).

That has been the methodology of the one(s) controlling the illusions and games. Until now. Cosmic magic, notwithstanding, we are in a momentous time bringing a onceinalifetime opportunity for us to conceive, change, clear, and decline to continue to participate any further, in such a life-denying system.

Those awakening realize the power of perception.

“The only walls that exist are those you have placed in your mind. And whatever obstacles you conceive, exist only because you have forgotten what you have already achieved.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Now we, the people, are awakening to the madness, the mayhem, and the manipulation. Now our vision is beginning to clear. Now we are becoming aware of the power to decide in our own favor, without the permission of the lying liars.

The rippling revelations we are having are only just beginning.

“We live in a time of great revelations.”
― Isaiah Senones

Who are the liars? Those who perpetuate the lie that we need them, their systems, their ways of funneling life and doling out their own sense of treats to those who comply and stay within the lines of their operating system. The liars are those who pray (such that they do) that we not uncover our true nature, and that they can continue to prey upon our benevolent hearts. They are the ones that insist we not realize our own power in a scheme designed to strip us of all of it (while continuing to maintain the illusion of choice). They are the ones who foolishly feast on us through lies, deception and other forms of manipulation. They are the ones who lie, lie, lie.

It is time to SEE. It is time for truth to be told. Out loud. With courage, and valor.

Forget the liars, and their perpetual threats. We know that only that which furthers their initiatives matters to them. It is we who must make a choice to see. It is we who must decide we deserve to own our own lives. It is we who must desire to awaken and know the beauty, magnificence and power that we are. We must reject what we have been inculcated with upon entering this life, and uncover the true nature of ourselves right in the midst of all the deception and thievery that goes on and will, until we put an end to it.

“Wake up, live your life and sing the melody of your soul.”
― Amit Ray, Enlightenment Step by Step

Time is running out for this plan we have been on, and our ancestors before us. The system is coming to an end. It is time for a new way of being and doing. That time is now. Awaken and see how we have been duped. Awaken and know that we have been kept in a constant state of ignorance and fear. See that even with all machinations, we humans are being favored. The lie is that you are a lowly worm of the earth. That belief has wrought anguish, agony, and powerlessness to the human family. Truth is: you are a divine spark of love, of light, and have been given everything to realize this. It is time we open our eyes wide, wide–stretch them out to the heavens, as large as we can because it is time to say yes to truth.

Know. Be brave. Speak. Be empowered. Stand. Proclaim truth.

It is time to know and honor the truth. It is time to clean off the dusty glass of our own obscured vision so we can fully see our value, our purpose, our possibility. As we do so, the glass will begin to sparkle. Others will catch the glint, too.

This is our time. This is the truth.

© 2023. Egyirba M. High. [Althea Grace]. All Rights Reserved.
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